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  Aromatica Labo.®︎️   
Business licensed by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare to manufacture and sell cosmetics   

Online Lessons for making beautiful handmade soap from JAPAN

How would you like to take Kazumi's lessons?

Online, by visitting Niigata, JAPAN, or inviting Kazumi to your place?

Aromatica Labo.®️

Japanese Soap Designer

Kazumi Kinoshita


Licensed by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

to manufacture and sell cosmetics

She is a famous handmade soap expert designer in Japan. She has been awarded many soap design contests and has published books about soap making and designs.  


She travels not only in Japan but also all over the world to teach her techniques and designs of Aromatica Labo®️ Methods to soap lovers, in Korea (Seoul Daegu), China (Beijing), Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Jakarta and Dubai and more.


Even though her school is in the very countryside of Niigata, Japan, a lot of students and media visit her from around the world.


Now Kazumi teaches her special methods in Online Lessons Internationally.

ENGLISH and CHINESE(Traditional) Textbooks are available for all lessons in bellow.


When You Learn by Online



Textbooks are available in

or Traditional CHINESE.




from Japanese to your native language.



to send textbooks and kits.



International Shipping and Interpreter Fees will be charged separately from the lesson fee.

When you take an online lesson, there is always something you need to prepare yourself!  

Please be sure to check the lesson page to see what you need to prepare before applying.

Cold Process Soap Lessons

Aromatica Labo. introducing CP soaps packed with Kazumi's knowledge as a soap designer over many years and are particular about new techniques, beautiful designs, and rich finishes.

Amino Acid Soap Lessons

From lessons on making amino acid soap itself to solid design soap / artistic and beautiful design and shampoo using amino acid soap base. 

How to make AMINO ACID SOAP < BASE > is taught ONLY IN "the Amino Acid Basic & Crack・Herbarium".

MP ソープ
Melt & Pour Glycerin Soap Lessons

Enjoy soap lessons with an emphasis on design, color, and modeling. MP soaps are easy to handle, so anyone can enjoy them.

Birthstone MP Soap
Birthstone MP Soap

Complete Series Special Feature Lessons

These are lessons featuring the characteristics of soap, such as transparent soap, jiggly texture jelly soap, thin etc.

Hot Process Soap

With the motto of "easier and safer", we propose making soap by Aromatic Labo.'s Method, which can be used immediately.

バス エッセンシャルズ シリーズ
Bath Essentials Series

Beyond soaps, a variety of bath-related items that will make your daily bath a luxurious and relaxing time.

コスメティック シリーズ
Cosmetic Series

New lessons for making handmade skincare items from Aromatica Labo.®︎

For the student who wishes to attend by ONLINE.


Online Lessons at your home

No hassle, "zoom" Lesson


We are holding online lessons using Zoom. We will send textbooks and the main materials needed for lessons from Japan.

However, for online lessons, you will need to prepare your own equipment, some materials, and tools. Please be sure to check the details on each lesson details page before applying.

Total Cost will be calculate …

Lesson Fee + Interpreter Fee* + International Shipping Fee + International Shipping Procedure Fee**
Check each lesson details page  ¥2,800 per hour

Depends on destination and weight.

¥3,300 per shipping

* Interpreter Fee: Aromatica Labo.®︎ can arrange only an Japanese - English Interpreter. You can also hire your interpreter on your own.

**International Shipping Procedure Fee: It is the cost to make papers for customs of International Shipping. If the total amount of your order is more than ¥100,000, it will be free of charge.

For the student who wishes to attend the lessons at Aromatica, Niigata Pref, JAPAN.


Soap Making Lessons in Niigata

Unforgettable special experience in Japan
for soap lovers


Click here for Google Map
Click here for Google Map

Aromatica is located in the countryside in Niigata Pref, JAPAN. We welcome a lot of customers from overseas, for example Kuwait, South Korea, China, Macao, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Costa Rica, Australia, Spain, Brazil, Belarus, Singapore, Malaysia, Hawaii and so on.

Important Notice

 CAUTION !! The address by Google Translate is incorrect. Please note our correct address as bellows.

Aromatica & Aromatica Labo.
3728-28, Yoshida, Tsubame-shi, Niigata, JAPAN.

Total Cost will be calculate …

Lesson Fee + Interpreter Fee* + Your Accomodation in JAPAN
Check each lesson details page  ¥2,800 per hour

* Interpreter Fee: Aromatica Labo.®︎ can arrange only an Japanese - English Interpreter. You can also hire your interpreter on your own.

For the student who wishes to invite Kazumi to your place


You can invite Kazumi to your place for Lessons!

Face to Face Lesson in your country.


Kazumi Kinoshita will visit you for lessons!

We have visited Korea (Seoul Daegu), China (Beijing), Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Dubai, Thailand,. We are looking forward to being invited to your place anywhere in the world! We look forward to your inquiry.

Make a group of more than 10 studens

Please make a group of more than 10 students who wish to attend.  And please feel free to send an inquiry to

Total Cost will be calculate …

Lesson Fee + All Travel & Accommodation Expenses of our staff  Sipping expenses to send materials from JAPAN
Check each lesson details page

Depends on destination

Depends on destination and weight

Important Notice 

Please coordinate and arrange the following things by yourself.

・The meeting space for the lessons

・Interpreters between Japanese and your language

・Assist your group, for example, including announcing the information, the date and time, place, fees, rules,  etc. in your language.


Kazumi Kinoshita's Books (Japanese)

Some books are available in other languages.









Follow Kazumi on Social Media



70K Followers from worldwide



Facebook Page of Aromatiaca Labo.



Enjoy Kazumi's Artistic Design

Awards 木下和美 受賞歴
生活の木 石けんコンテスト


第15回 生活の木



(株) 生活の木 主催



手作り石けん コンテスト


(一社)ハンドメイド 石けん協会 主催


第14回 生活の木

ハンドメイドソープ展 コンテスト

フラワーソープの ケーキソープ

(株) 生活の木 主催

Media 掲載されたメディア